

西塔琴/吉他:朱博譞 键盘/合成器:周因路 宇宙企划,由中国独立音乐界的活跃音乐人博譞和周因路组成,是首支登上西雅图著名音乐节目KEXP的中国乐队,他们的音乐犹如深邃迷幻、包罗万象的宇宙万花筒。 师从印度音乐大师的博譞,借助西塔琴探索东方音乐的根源与前路;周因路则用极简主义和电子舞曲音乐延伸其现代性;现场鼓手则贡献了更有弹性的有机节奏。以当代俱乐部舞曲、世界节拍和独立摇滚为基础,严肃东方身份探讨与浪漫细腻的感性灵光共同筑建了他们声音的血肉。2017年,宇宙企划已经作为亚洲新声的代表,登上法国最具盛名的Transmusicales音乐节的舞台。 Listening to Chinese duo UchoKika is a psychedelic experience akin to staring through a telescope, that’ s just how vast and nebulous their music is. No wonder they’ve been selected by KEXP, a well-known music channel based in Seattle, to record a live session as the very first Chinese band. Trailblazers Boxuan (on the sitar, which he learnt to play from some of the biggest masters) and Yanlo (synths) plus their musical backup on stage (machines, bass, drums), raise the suspension bridge of sound between the unfathomable traditional Indian raga music with some contemporary electronic beats. It’ s simply a giddy bliss. In 2017, UchoKika made their worldwide debut show on Transmusicales Festival in Rennes, France. And the journey just started.
