Herbert Schernus
Herbert Schernus热门歌曲
Cappella Coloniensis - Grande Messe des Morts:Introduzione: Grave
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Introitus: Requiem aeternam
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Veni creator spiritus"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Imple superna gratia"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Accende lumen sensibus"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Gloria sit Patri Domino"
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Gerettet ist das edle Glied"
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Jene Rosen aus den H?nden"
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Dir der Unberührbaren"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Blicket auf zum Retterblick"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 In E Flat - "Symphony Of A Thousand" / Part Two: Final Scene From Goethe's "Faust":"Alles Verg?ngliche"
Martina Arroyo - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Gerettet ist das edle Glied"
Martina Arroyo - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Uns bleibt ein Erdenrest"
Bavarian Radio Chorus - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Qui Paraclitus diceris"
Martina Arroyo - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Accende lumen sensibus"
Martina Arroyo - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Gloria sit Patri Domino"
Bavarian Radio Chorus - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Waldung, sie schwankt heran"
Martina Arroyo - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Jene Rosen, aus den Händen"
Julia Hamari - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Ich spür' soeben"
Bavarian Radio Chorus - Symphony No. 8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Dir, der Unberührbaren"
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Introitus: Te decet hymnus
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Graduale: Requiem aeternam
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Dies irae
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Tuba mirum
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Mors stupebit
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Quid sum miser
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Recordare
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Inter oves
Cologne West German Radio Chorus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Confutatis
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Oro supplex
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Lacrymosa
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sequentia: Judicandus
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Offertorium: Vado et non revertar
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Offertorium: Spera in Deo
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Cedant hostes
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Sanctus
Eva Csapo - Grande Messe des Morts:Pie Jesu
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Agnus Dei
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Post Communionem: Lux aeterna
Herbert Schernus - Grande Messe des Morts:Post Communionem: Requiem aeternam
Joseph Keilberth - Cardillac - (1926) / Act 3:"Meine Lippen auf die Wunde" - "Fluche ihm nicht!"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:1. "Today Is Mine"-Wake Up Woman Rise Up Woman
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:2. "Venid a ver"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:3. "Your Eyes Are Red" - IV. "Venid a ver" - V. "Your Eyes Are Red"/"Stand Up"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:6. "Venid a ver la sangre por las calles" - VII "Wake up woman rise up woman"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:8. "Venid a ver la sangre por las calles"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:9. "I Have Made A Song" - X. "Venid a ver la sangre por las calles" - XI. "I Have Made A Song"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:12. "Venid a ver la sangre" - XIII. "Wake Up Woman Rise Up Woman" - XIV. "Venid a ver la sangre"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:15. "Komm in meine N?he" - XVI. "Today is mine"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:17. "Pousse l'herbe e fleurit la fleur" - XVIII. "Go My Strong Charm/Venid a ver" - XIX. "It Is So Nice" - XX. "Your Eyes Are Red/El día palido s asoma"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:21. "Mirad mi casa muerta"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:22. "Je m'en vais où ma pensée s'en va"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:23. "Pousse l'herbe et fleurit la fleur" - XXIV. Oh issa/Ich sehe Tautropfen/Komm in meine N?he/Your Eye
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:25. "Oh isselo in alto/Komm in meine N?he" - "XXVI. "Come Ascend The Ladder" - XXVII. "When We Came To This World"
Herbert Schernus - Coro For Voices And Instruments:28. "El diá oscila rodeado" - XXIX. "Hinach yafà raayatí"
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Ich spür' soeben"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Infirma nostri corporis"
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part One: Hymnus "Veni creator spiritus":"Qui Paraclitus diceris"
Herbert Schernus - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Waldung sie schwankt heran"
Donald Grobe - Symphony No.8 in E flat - "Symphony of a Thousand" / Part Two: Final scene from Goethe's "Faust":"Uns bleibt ein Erdenrest"