St Albans Cathedral Choirs
St Albans Cathedral Choirs热门歌曲
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalmfest:I. O be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 100)
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Regina coeli, K. 127:Regina coeli
Elizabeth Cragg - Regina coeli, K. 127:Quia quem meruisti portare
Elizabeth Cragg - Regina coeli, K. 127:Alleluia
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Magnificat:Magnificat anima mea
Elizabeth Cragg - Magnificat:Esurientes
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 3 Motets, Op. 69:No. 1. Nunc dimittis, MWV B60
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Though I Speak With the Tongues of Men
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Morning, Communion and Evening Services in B-Flat Major, Op. 10: Benedictus
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalmfest:II. I will lift up mine eyes (Psalm 121)
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalmfest:III. Praise the Lord, O my soul (Psalm 146)
Elizabeth Cragg - Psalmfest:IV. The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23)
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalmfest:V. Cantate Domino (Psalm 96/Veni Creator Spiritus)
Elizabeth Cragg - Psalmfest:VI. The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27)
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalmfest:VII. O clap your hands (Psalm 47)
Elizabeth Cragg - Psalmfest:VIII. O how amiable are thy dwellings (Psalm 84)
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalmfest:IX. O praise the Lord of heaven (Psalm 148)
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - This is the Day
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Lord, Thou hast been our refuge
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Psalm 150
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Missa brevis in D Major, K. 194:Kyrie
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in D Major, K. 194:Gloria
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in D Major, K. 194:Credo
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Missa brevis in D Major, K. 194:Sanctus
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in D Major, K. 194:Benedictus
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in D Major, K. 194:Agnus Dei
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in B-Flat Major, K. 275:Kyrie
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in B-Flat Major, K. 275:Gloria
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in B-Flat Major, K. 275:Credo
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Missa brevis in B-Flat Major, K. 275:Sanctus
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in B-Flat Major, K. 275:Benedictus
Elizabeth Cragg - Missa brevis in B-Flat Major, K. 275:Agnus Dei
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 6 Sprüche, Op. 79:No. 1. Weinachten: Frohlocket, ihr Volker auf Erden, MWV B42
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 6 Sprüche, Op. 79:No. 2. Am Neujahrstage: Herr Gott, du bist unsre Zuflucht fur und fur, MWV B44
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 6 Sprüche, Op. 79:No. 3. Am Himmelfahrtstage: Erhaben, O Herr, uber alles Lob, MWV B55
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 6 Sprüche, Op. 79:No. 4. In der Passionszeit: Herr, gedenke nicht unser Ubelthaten, MWV B50
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 6 Sprüche, Op. 79:No. 5. Im Advent: Lasset uns frohlocken, MWV B54
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 6 Sprüche, Op. 79:No. 6. Am Karfreitage: Um unsrer Sunden willen, MWV B52
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Paulus (St. Paul), Op. 36, MWV A14 (Sung in English):Paulus (St. Paul), Op. 36, MWV A14: How Lovely are the Messengers (Sung in English)
Laura Hicks - Hear my prayer, MWV B49
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - 3 Motets, Op. 69:No. 3. Magnificat, MWV B59
Philip Salmon - 3 Kirchenmusiken, Op. 23, MWV SD7:3 Kirchenmusiken, Op. 23: No. 2. Ave maria, MWV B19
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Gloria:I. Allegro vivace
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Gloria:II. Andante
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Gloria:III. Vivace e ritmico
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Magnificat:Of a Rose, a lovely Rose
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Magnificat:Quia fecit mihi magna
Elizabeth Cragg - Magnificat:Et misericordia
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Magnificat:Fecit potentiam
Elizabeth Cragg - Magnificat:Gloria Patri
St Albans Cathedral Choirs - Te Deum