

在挪威1992年--最为黑暗的黑金属纪元,诞生了Ulver这样一只乐队,Ulver挪威语语意为"狼".由主唱Garm(Arcturus,Borknagar的主唱),鼓手E.Micheal,吉它手Reza,Grellmund,和键盘Haavard组成。从正式发行专辑的1994年,到现在十余年时间,Ulver的作品包括了史诗黑金属,纯民谣,原始黑,实验,电子,氛围,还有电影原声。 Country of origin: Norway Location: Oslo Status: Active Formed in: 1993 Genre: Black/Folk Metal (early); Ambient/Avant-garde/Electronica (later) Lyrical themes: Folklore, Nature, Evil (early); Melancholy, History, Humanity (later) Current label: House of Mythology Years active: 1993-present Ulver means "Wolves" in Norwegian. Ulver had many musical changes throughout their career. On their demos and first full-length, Bergtatt, they played black/folk metal, 1996's Kveldssanger is an entirely acoustic folk album, and 1997's Nattens Madrigal is raw, aggressive black metal. Around 1998, they began experimenting with all kinds of experimental, electronic, and avant-garde music, fully detaching themselves from the (black) metal scene. Lyckantropen Themes and Svidd neger are not actual full-length albums, but film soundtracks created by the band. According to the book Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult (2013), Shagrath actually rehearsed with the band for about 6 months as a guitarist and was intended to play on their debut album. However, during that time Kristoffer Rygg was unhappy that Shagrath had started a new band, Dimmu Borgir, and gave him an ultimatum. As we know, Shagrath chose Dimmu Borgir.
