Jess Walters
Jess Walters热门歌曲
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene I:"Tobias hires a man"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene III:"the river bank"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV:"Sara challenges Tobias – Tobias and Azarius ‘Who are you’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV:"Tobias states his name and is recognised by Raguel"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV:"Tobias and Sara ‘When you open your eyes’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV:"Raguel warns Tobias of an evil spirit possessing Sara ‘Now drink, young man’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 2, Scene I:"Tobias turns to Sara’s door – Trio – Sara calls – Raguel urges Tobias to leave"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act I, Scene I:"Nineveh. The market square."
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene II:"‘Azarius ‘There lies the way’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene III:"Azarius ‘You are free to turn back!’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene III:"Tobias is dragged down by a fish – Azarius tells him how to catch it"
Sir John Barbirolli - Delius: Idyll
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene II:"The door of a poor man’s dwelling – Tobit and Anna"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene II:"Azarius ‘My name is Azarius’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene III:"Tobias’s indecision Tobias and Azarius ‘Supposing’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV:"Sara and her women. Rezia ‘Where have you been, O tall ship of Sidon’"
London Symphony Orchestra - Tobias and the Angel, Act 1, Scene IV:"Rhezia ‘Who’s a swindle Who’s a fraud ’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Tobias and the Angel, Act 2, Scene I:"Prelude and scene i Sara’s bedchamber and the adjoining terrace"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Tobias and the Angel, Act 2, Scene I:"Azarius encourages Tobias and tells him what to do"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Tobias and the Angel, Act 2, Scene II:"Knocking – ‘Who is that knocking ’ – enter Azarius"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Tobias and the Angel, Act 2, Scene I:"Tobias places the fragments on the burner"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Hands Across The Sky:"Narrator describes effect of Squeg on Miss Fothergill (Miss Fothergill ‘I love Squeg’)"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Hands Across The Sky:"Entry of Squag looking Sad. – Miss Fothergill ‘Squeg dear Squeg, lets fly away together’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Hands Across The Sky:"Miss Fothergill returns with her plan to devise a potion to make her look like Squeg"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Hands Across The Sky:"Professor Neutron and Miss Fothergill ‘Hello Miss Fothergill’ – ‘Hello Professor’"
Intimate Opera Chamber Ensemble - Hands Across The Sky:"The Professor now has a green skin and a pair of horns – ‘It’s rather odd’"
Choir of Exeter College, Oxford - There Is No Rose of Swych Vertu
Choir of Exeter College, Oxford - Masters in This Hall
Sir John Barbirolli - Aida:t I Scene 1: Alta cagion v'aduna o fidi egizii (All)
Sir John Barbirolli - Aida:t I Scene 1: Su! Del Nilo al sacro lido (All)
Sir John Barbirolli - Aida:t II Scene 2: Che veggo! … Egli? … Mio padre! (Aida, Chorus, Amneris, Amonasro, Il Re)
Michael Langdon - Aida:t II Scene 2: Ma tu, Re, tu signore possente (All)
Michael Langdon - Aida:t II Scene 2: Gloria all'Egitto ad Iside (All)
Sir John Barbirolli - Aida:t III Scene 1: Cielo! mio padre! (Aida, Amonasro)
Jess Walters - Aida:t III: Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate (Amonasro, Aida)
Jess Walters - Aida:t III: Su, dunque! sorgete egizie coorti! (Amonasro, Aida)
Maria Callas - Aida:t III: Ma dimmi; per qual via (Aida, Radames, Amonasro, Amneris)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act I: E soffitto … e pareti (Pinkerton, Goro, Suzuki, Sharpless)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act I: Dovunque al mondo (Pinkerton, Sharpless)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act I: Ed e bella la sposa? (Sharpless, Goro, Pinkerton)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act I: Amore e grillo (Pinkerton, Sharpless)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act I: Gran ventura (Butterfly, Chorus, Pinkerton , Sharpless, Goro)
Sena Jurinac - Madama Butterfly:Act I: Tutti zitti! (All)
David Tree - Madama Butterfly:Act II: C'e. Entrate (Goro, Sharpless, Butterfly)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act II: Ah si. Goro, appena B.F. Pinkerton fu in mare (Butterfly, Goro, Yamadori, Sharpless)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act II: Ora a noi. Sedete qui (Sharpless, Butterfly)
Bryan Havell Balkwill - Madama Butterfly:Act II: Sai cos'ebbe cuore di pensar quel signore? (Butterfly, Sharpless)
Josephine Veasey - Madama Butterfly:Act II: Povera Butterfly (Suzuki, Pinkerton, Sharpless)
Charles Craig - Madama Butterfly:Act III: Addio, fiorito assil (Pinkerton, Sharpless, Kate, Suzuki)
Sena Jurinac - Madama Butterfly:Act III: Suzuki! Dove sei? (Butterfly, Suzuki, Sharpless, Kate)
Sena Jurinac - Madama Butterfly:Act III: E sia! A lui devo obbedir (Butterfly, Kate, Sharpless, Suzuki)
Nello Santi - La traviata*:Act I: Dell'invito trascorsa e gia (All)
Virginia Zeani - La traviata*:Act I: Ebben? Che diavol fate? (All)
Jess Walters - La traviata*:Act II: Madamigella Valery? (Germont, Violetta)
Jess Walters - La traviata*:Act II: Pura siccome un angelo (Germont, Violetta)
Jess Walters - La traviata*:Act II: Un di, quando le veneri (Germont, Violetta)
Nello Santi - La traviata*:Act II: Ah! Dite alla giovine (Violetta, Germont)
Nello Santi - La traviata*:Act II: Or imponete (Violetta, Germont, Alfredo)
Jess Walters - La traviata*:Act II: Di Provenza il mar, il suol (Germont, Alfredo)
Sylvia Fisher - Prelude and Idyll:Idyll. "Once I Passed Through a Populous City"