Driftmoon is a Finnish-Slovakian electronic music duo consisting of Miikka and Juraj. With their innovative and emotive sound, Driftmoon has established themselves as one of the leading acts in the global trance music scene, and continue to inspire and uplift their fans with their music. Their specific and signature sound can also be heard behind some of the biggest brands in the industry. Driftmoon 是芬兰-斯洛伐克电子音乐二人组,由 Miikka 和 Juraj 组成。 凭借其创新且富有情感的声音,Driftmoon 已成为全球 Trance 音乐界的领先乐队之一,并继续用他们的音乐激励和提升他们的粉丝。 在一些业内最大的品牌背后,也能听到他们独特且标志性声音。