Dame Emma Kirkby
Dame Emma Kirkby热门歌曲
Anthony Rooley - All ye whom love or fortune
Andrew Parrott - Una stravaganza dei Medici (The 1589 Florentine Intermedi), V. Arion and the Dolphin:2. (a) E noi, con questa bella diva a 5; (b) Godi, Coppia Reale a 5; (c) Che vede uscir da voi a 5; (d) E discacciar dal mondo a 3; (e) Onde farà ritorno
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Dolcissimi legami di parole amorose (wds. Tasso)
Andrew Parrott - Una stravaganza dei Medici (The 1589 Florentine Intermedi), I. The Harmony of the Spheres:1. Dalle più alte sfere (Antonio Archilei or Emilio de' Cavalieri)
Anthony Rooley - A Pilgrim's Solace:Stay, Time
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Intorno a due vermiglie
Dame Emma Kirkby - The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres:Mourn! Mourn!
Anthony Rooley - The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres:Behold a wonder here
Anthony Rooley - The First Booke of Songes (1600):What if seeke for love of thee
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Ecco mormorar l'onde (wds. Tasso)
Anthony Rooley - The Muses Gardin for Delights (1610):Might I redeeme myne erours
Andrew Parrott - Una stravaganza dei Medici (The 1589 Florentine Intermedi), V. Arion and the Dolphin:1. Io, che l'onde raffreno (Malvezzi)
Andrew Parrott - Una stravaganza dei Medici (The 1589 Florentine Intermedi), VI. Jove's Gift to Mortals of Rhythm and Harmony:5. O che nuovo miracolo a 5; a 3 (Cavalieri)
Charles Medlam - German Arias HWV202-10:Künft'ger Zeiten eitler Kummer
Charles Medlam - German Arias HWV202-10:Süsser Blumen Ambraflocken
Andrew Keener - German Arias HWV202-10:Meine Seele hört im Sehen
Charles Medlam - Violin Sonata Op.1 No.12 HWV 370 in F major / F-dur / en fa majeur:Allegro
Charles Medlam - German Arias HWV202-10:Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden
Charles Medlam - German Arias HWV202-10:Das zitternde Glänzen
Charles Medlam - Violin Sonata Op.1 No.12 HWV 370 in F major / F-dur / en fa majeur:Adagio
Charles Medlam - German Arias HWV202-10:Süsse Stille, sanfte Quelle
Charles Medlam - Violin Sonata Op.1 No.12 HWV 370 in F major / F-dur / en fa majeur:Allegro
Andrew Keener - German Arias HWV202-10:Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise
Charles Medlam - Violin Sonata Op.1 No.12 HWV 370 in F major / F-dur / en fa majeur:Largo
Andrew Keener - German Arias HWV202-10:Die ihr aus dunklen Grüften
Andrew Keener - German Arias HWV202-10:In den angenehmen
Anthony Rooley - Mister Dowland's Midnight (orpharion)
Anthony Rooley - Now cease my wand'ring eyes
Anthony Rooley - Me, me and none but me (The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires)
Anthony Rooley - A Pilgrim's Solace:Shall I strive
Anthony Rooley - A Pilgrimes Solace:Thou mighty God
Anthony Rooley - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres:Dear, if you change
Anthony Rooley - The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres:Die not before thy day
Anthony Rooley - The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres:Mistress Winter's Jump
Anthony Rooley - The First Booke of Songes (1600):Lie downe poore heart
Anthony Rooley - The First Booke of Songes (1600):When love on time
Anthony Rooley - The First Booke of Songes (1600):Farewell dear love
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Non si levev'ancor (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):E dicea l'una sospirand'all'hora
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Bevea Fillide mia (wds. Casoni)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Non giacinti o narcisi (wds. Casoni)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Non sono in queste rive fiori (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Tutte le bocche belle (wds. Alberti)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Donna, nel mio ritorno (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Quell'ombra esser vorrei (wds. Casoni)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):S'andasse amor a caccia (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Mentre io miravo fiso (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Se tu mi lassi, perfida (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):La bocc'onde l'asprissime (wds. Bentiviglio)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Dolcemente dormiva la mia Clori (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Crudel, perchè mi fuggi (wds. Tasso)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Questo specchio ti dono, Rosa
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Non m'è grave'l morire
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Ti spontò l'ali amor (wds. Alberti)
Alan Ewing - Madrigals, Book 2 (Il secondo libro de madrigali 1590):Cantai un tempo (wds. Bembo)