Gloria Lane
Gloria Lane热门歌曲
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Next … Buon giorno (Secretary, Foreign Woman, Kofner)
Gloria Lane - The Saint of Bleecker Street:Act II: Ah, Michele, don't you know that love can turn to hate (Desideria)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act II Scene 2: What did you say your name was? (Secretary, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Kofner)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Don't forget to sign (Secretary, Vera Boronel, Magda, Assan)
Gloria Lane - El amor brujo: No. 3, Canción del amor dolido (Live at Royal Albert Hall, 1964)
Gloria Lane - El amor brujo: No. 12, Danza del juego del amor (Live at Royal Albert Hall, 1964)
Gloria Lane - El amor brujo: No. 10, Canción del fuego fatuo (Live at Royal Albert Hall, 1964)
Gloria Lane - El amor brujo: No. 13, Final. Las campanas del amanecer (Live at Royal Albert Hall, 1964)
Lee Sweetland - Just We Two
Herbert Banke - This Was a Real Nice Clambake
Gloria Lane - You'll Never Walk Alone
Florence Henderson - A Real Nice Clambake
Patrice Munsel - You'll Never Walk Alone
Florence Henderson - June Is Bustin' Out All Over
Gloria Lane - The Saint of Bleecker Street:Act II: Where is Michele? (Desideria, Barman, Michele)
Gloria Lane - The Saint of Bleecker Street:Act II: Eh gia che I giovinotti (Chorus, Desideria, Michele)
Gloria Lane - The Saint of Bleecker Street:Act II: Yes, Michele, go home (Desideria, Michele, Annina, Chorus)
Patricia Neway - The Consul:Act II Scene 2: To this we've come (Magda, Vera Boronel, Kofner, Secretary)
Maria Marlo - The Consul:Act III Scene 2: Lo, Death's frontiers are open (Foreign Woman, Kofner, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mother, John, Secretary, Magician, Magda)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Next. Yes … What can I do for you? (Secretary, Kofner)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act I Scene 2: Next … May I speak to the Consul? (Secretary, Magda)
Andrew McKinley - The Consul:Act II Scene 2: My charming ma'moiselle (Magician, Secretary, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Kofner, Foreign Woman)
Patricia Neway - The Consul:Act II Scene 2: Any news for me? (Magda, Secretary)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act III Scene 1: How often must I tell you, Mrs. Sorel (Secretary, Vera Boronel, Assan, Magda)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Oh, those faces! All those faces! (Secretary)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Who are you? How did you get in? (Secretary, John, Secret Police Agent)
Gloria Lane - The Consul:Act III Scene 1: Don't be afraid, Mr. Sorel! (Secretary)
Patricia Neway - The Consul:Act III Scene 2: I never meant to do this (Magda, Foreign Woman, Kofner, Anna Gomez, Vera Boronel, Mother, John, Secretary)
Male Chorus - Just We Two (Original 1950 Recording)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act I:"Mosè, t'accosta" (Voce misteriosa, Tutti)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act I:"Che narri? - Il ver" (Mosé, Amenofi, Elisero, Coro, Maria, Anaide, Faraone, Sinaide)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act I:"Padre! - Signor!" (Amenofi, Mosé, Faraone, Sinaide, Anaide, Aufide, Maria, Elisero, Coro)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act III:"Faraon, cedi alfine" (Mosé, Osiride, Coro, Faraone, Anaide, Maria, Elisero, Amenofi, Sinaide, Aufide)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act IV:"Anaide... Oh! Non tentarla!" (Mosé, Amenofi, Maria, Elisero, Anaide, Coro)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act I:"Impaziente pel ritorno io sono" (Mosé, Coro, Maria, Anaide, Elisero)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act I:"Dell'aiuto divin fatti omai saldi" (Mosé, Tutti)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act I:"All'etra, al ciel, lieto Israel" (Coro, Elisero, Maria, Anaide)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act III:"La tua promessa a reclamar io vengo" (Mosé, Faraone, Osiride, Aufide, Anaide, Maria, Coro, Sinaide, Amenofi, Elisero)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act III:"Mi manca la voce, mi sento morire" (Anaide, Sinaide, Maria, Amenofi, Aufide, Osiride, Faraone, Coro, Mosé, Elisero)
Gloria Lane - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act IV:"E' questo, o figli, il giorno " (Mosé, Maria, Anaide, Amenofi)
Coro di Roma della RAI - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act IV:"Dal tuo stellato soglio" (Mosé, Anaide, Maria, Elisero, Coro)
Coro dei Roma della Rai - Mosè in Egitto, IGR 43, Act IV:"Qual fragor!" (Mosé, Maria, Anaide, Elisero, Coro)
Elena Suliotis - Nabucco, IGV 19, Act I:"Io t'amava!..." (Abigaille, Ismaele, Fenena)
Elena Suliotis - Nabucco, IGV 19, Act I:"O vinti, il capo a terra!" (Nabucco, Zaccaria, Ismaele, Abigaille, Fenena, Anna)
Elena Suliotis - Nabucco, IGV 19, Act I:"Fenena! O mia diletta" (Ismaele, Fenena, Abigaille)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"I see by daylight dawning" (Beckmesser, Azucena)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"Daughter of Heaven" (Otello, Salome, Fidelio)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"I'm in search of a man" (Brünnhilde)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"O schöne Melisande" (Beckmesser, Don Giovanni, Brünnhilde, Manrico, Nadir, Mélisande, Chorus)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"I'm Escamillo" (Escamillo, Chorus)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"Here are the girls" (The Master, Apprentices)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"I'm Azucena, Who could be plainer?" (Azucena)
Brian Priestman - Let's Fake an Opera or The Tales of Hoffnung:"Nie sollst du mich befragen" (Otello, Salome)