Behind the Breastbone

Behind the Breastbone

Quiet Arrows is the project of Samuel Robertson, a wordsmith who sings with a hushed voice on the softly undulating fingerpicking of an acoustic guitar. He crafts songs like a map-maker, a voyager, a discoverer -- jotting lyrics and cataloging sounds like so many lines of latitude and longitude. These are songs of love, thoughtful explorations, intimate songs of hopeful melancholy. "I worked on this album over the last couple of years, which overlapped with a particularly intense season of my life," says Samuel about the new album "Behind the Breastbone." "I wrote these songs throughout that season, and most of them are an expression of what I directly experienced or felt. The title 'Behind the Breastbone' speaks to the physical space in my body where I most acutely felt these experiences taking shape -- the space that holds the heart and hides the soul. During times of joy, this is the space that expanded in gratitude and flashed a glowing optimism. During times of despair, this is the space that folded inward upon itself and crystallized in the dark ache of grief. Behind the breastbone is the space where I processed the beauty and the longing and the pain of this past season of my life. It is the space that forged these songs into expressions and declarations of how that season could transform. Behind the breastbone -- a hidden, intimate, sacred space where we find the strength of perseverance and the source of gratitude."
