Boundless Horizons

Boundless Horizons

A vastness like the infinite horizon melting together with the sea.. You let go, set sails, and leave behind all that felt heavy and monotonous. With their first collaboration named "Boundless Horizons," Chris Wayfarer and Jardimo strike a chord with everyone longing for freedom, connection, and new inspiration. Boundless Horizons is an inner journey. In the beginning, the static beat reigns the scene, reminding us of a steadily operating machine. Playfully, little by little, it gets conquered by melodic flute samples, Rhodes, and spherical pads – like flashes of light through the dusty routine. The tracks floating, at the same time, energizing vibe, and Jardimo’s puristic vocals carry the listeners across the water and invite them to relax and dream. One with nature, in inner peace, sweet nothing…, Though freedom can appear frightening, too! Sensitively embedded in a stringscape that culminates in the break, the timelessly human question vibrates: Where can I find orientation and happiness? Both music and lyrics of "Boundless Horizons“ may tell about what connects the two artists: Both walk through life spiritually and search for deeper meaning. Chris Wayfarer has been an active Buddhist for many years whereas Jardimo is dedicated to the holistic practice of Kundalini Yoga. With their new single they wish to loosen people’s hips and inspire their minds. Cast off!


