Set Sail to Mystery
On "Set Sail To Mystery", they once again set the tattered, ashen sails of the deathship and head towards midnight, death, and doom. Of course, the last few years have left their mark on the ferrymen. As if The Vision Bleak were leafing through the pages of a leather-bound tome on their history thus far, "Set Sail To Mystery" is cruising through many of the lethal waters they have sailed through in previous lifes: the driving gothic-rock energy of their debut, the dramatic heaviness of their sophomore, and the Nordic aggression of the last album are resonating on this, their fourth opus, like the death-knell of a cemetery chapel. Yet, "Set Sail To Mystery" is much more than just the sum of its predecessors. Proof for this is the foreboding introduction, "A Curse Of The Grandest Kind", where a magical invocation written by the notorious poet Lord Byron is set to a haunting, atmospheric melody:"And a magic voice and verse Hath baptiz'd thee with a curse"