San Juan Suite

San Juan Suite

The good people at Narada have finally seen sense and re-released this CD as a "Narada Classic". And a classic it is too, for this CD features some of the most accompolished piano playing you're ever likely to hear. What technique this man has! Michael Gettel just oozes talent. His piano playing on "Summer Rain" is nothing short of incredible. He captures perfectly the subject of the piece. So much so, in fact, that my class of 11 year olds were able to guess the title of the piece just by listening to it. It is so rare to have a CD where every track is strong and commands one's full attention. This is definitely not mere background music. From ominous clasps of thunder to the sound of whales, Gettel's piano dances around Nature's wonders. Disc one is stronger than disc two, but the purchase price is more than justified by the brilliance of the original "San Juan". The melodies are breathtakingly beautiful and few of Gettel's fans would dispute that "San Juan Suite" showcases this musician at his very best.
