Diepenbrock: Complete Songs

Diepenbrock: Complete Songs

Alphons Diepenbrock (1862-1921) is one of the most important Late-Romantic composers of The Netherlands. Despite is exceptional musical talents he became a teacher in classical languages. In Diepenbrock’s works three influences are traceable: Wagner (a nearly inevitable influence for his generation..), Debussy (who actually also was influenced by Wagner, but later turned on him) and the Palestrina counterpoint. Most of Diepenbrock’s works are vocals: songs, vocal ensembles and sacred works for choir and orchestra. This set presents his complete songs. The early songs are on Dutch and German texts, from 1910 on however all his songs were in the French language, mainly featuring Baudelaire and Verlaine. Excellent performers: Christoph Prégardien, Christa Pfeiler, Jard van Nes, Robert Holl are partnered on the piano by the eminent Rudolf Jansen. Another gem from the excellent back-catalogue of the NM Classics label, the label for Dutch music.
