Science & Faith
◎ BBC「The Next Big Thing」、世界音乐「爱尔兰最佳销售乐团」肯定摇滚新贵,2011年亚洲巡演特别改版 ◎ 空降英国、爱尔兰Top1、美国Top3,主打单曲〈For The First Time〉拿下爱尔兰冠军 ◎ 此版本追加新曲〈Bullet From A Gun〉 三人简单组合,却缔造毫不简单的音乐奇蹟!入围BBC「The Next Big Thing」、世界音乐「爱尔兰最佳销售乐团」、准备演唱2012伦敦奥运主题曲的爱尔兰之光The Script。就连摇滚天团U2、传奇大师保罗麦卡尼、天后碧昂丝和里欧娜等倾心不已,主动邀歌。散发出如Maroon 5的讨喜旋律、The Corrs般的流行曲调、媲美Sting的优质嗓音,融合灵魂、嘻哈/节奏蓝调等多重元素。 来自都柏林的The Script,由主唱/键盘Danny O'Donaghue、吉他手Mark Sheehan、鼓手Glen Power三位不同背景,却同样拥有对音乐的热情才子所组成。2008年推出首创冠军专辑《The Script》,一举攻下英国、爱尔兰双榜冠军,各获颁双白金和5白金认证。趁胜追击的《科学与信念Science & Faith》,空降英国、爱尔兰冠军,更跨海打入美国市场,拿下季军佳绩,入围全英音乐「最佳国际艺人」肯定。首波主打〈For The First Time〉,灵感来自重回故乡都柏林,遭逢爱尔兰经济危机时期,人们必须面对现实的残酷,发行即拿下爱尔兰单曲榜冠军;再接再厉的〈Nothing〉,带来顺耳的旋律、温暖堆叠的合音,升上爱尔兰榜Top15;同名曲〈Science & Faith〉,导入鲜明的记忆点,阔气澎湃的情绪,令人精神为之一振;Danny充满灵性的演唱〈Deadman Walking〉,优雅气度加上假音转换、弦乐的美化辅佐,更加深此曲耐听度;吉他与钢琴从容互动,带出曲末〈Exit Wounds〉,过瘾的节奏与讨喜的旋律,撩动聆听者心弦。 此版本CD曲目,除原有10首作品,特别追加新曲〈Bullet From A Gun〉,大秀The Script抒情摇滚的真情,提供一首耐听爽朗的轻鬆小品。 2010 release from the Irish outfit, the follow up to their million selling self-titled debut. An addictive blend of Hip Hop rhythms, flowing melodies, sparkling hooks and poignant, story-spinning lyrics, with Danny's mellifluous soulful vocals riding high over huge, anthemic choruses, Science & Faith is far from a difficult second album. When writing, the London based trio found that weighty, emotion-packed mini-epics came thick and fast. Highlights include first single 'For The First Time' and 'Nothing', its subject matter a drunken, broken hearted phone call to a lost love Then there's 'If You Ever Come Back' about always leaving the door open for the possible return of a loved one and the title track, 'Science & Faith', which takes on the primacy of love in the universal equation.