Are You Experienced?

Are You Experienced?

★滚石杂志选为“史上百大吉他手”冠军 进入摇滚名人殿堂并受到全球摇滚客景仰之一代吉他宗师 ★发行至今已40年的首张专辑 收录,等经典曲目 进入摇滚名人殿堂并受到全球摇滚客景仰的一代吉他宗师Jimi Hendrix,相较其他传奇性摇滚吉他手除了技巧的熟稔外,Jimi重塑了吉他并赋予奇蹟式的巨大生命,电吉他不过是吉他原音的电声化,然而经由Jimi神乎其技的弹奏演绎下,释放出的庞大能量,是前人所始料未及,入籍滚石杂志“史上百大吉他手”冠军宝座!  1942年出生于西雅图,1966年到了伦敦认识Noel Redding(贝斯手)、Mitch Mitchell(鼓手)后,组织Jimi Hendrix Experience开始以乐团型态排练演出,1967年单曲“Purples Haze”登上排行榜,正式打开Jimi知名度。然而舞台上令人瞠目结舌疯狂著迷的演出,更奠定其摇滚巨星地位。于1967年发行的【Are You Experienced?】是Jimi Hendrix Experience的首张专辑,收录被滚石杂志选为“史上五百首经典歌曲”的“Foxey Lady”,以及Q杂志选入“百大最佳吉他名曲”第一名、滚石杂志“史上五百首经典歌曲”佔据第17名,曾搭配百事可乐广告曲全球播送的“Purple Haze”。Jimi虽于1970年9月17号因药物服用过量而逝,但他不朽的短暂传奇故事却流传至今,张张经典作品都是摇滚迷/学吉他的摇滚客必修之作。 Everyone knows Hendrix's story: that of a chitlin-circuit pro who moved to England for his big chance, grew his hair, and turned up the volume on everything from his Marshall stack to his sartorial choices. Paired with a British rhythm section, Hendrix quickly announced a new breed of hard rock with a slowed-down, mysterious cover of the garage-band murder ballad "Hey Joe." Soon, Are You Experienced arrived, displaying a visionary approach that combined flights of lyrical fancy ("The Wind Cries Mary"), avant-jazz rhythms (the bridge of "Love or Confusion"), and two-ton feathers of post-blues noise ("I Don't Live Today"). When Hendrix turned the title cut's guitar solo into a backward-tape reverie of sustained notes and swoops, he echoed his hero Bob Dylan's famous quote "It used to go like that; now it goes like this." But he wasn't just talking about one song.
