

BBC推崇为拥有首张专辑双倍原创性的作品,包括:英国金榜TOP20畅销曲"Powerless (Say What You Want)" 在2002年的Burn In The Spotlight巡迴演唱会过程中,Nelly Furtado展开第2张专辑【Folklore】的创作,专辑裡的歌曲在保有处女作的活力与生命力之外,Nelly也以真实的情感去抒发她的悲伤与忧鬱等情绪,这次,她选择更开放自由的创作态度,恣意把玩流行摇滚、放克、嘻哈与葡萄牙歌谣,像是邀请The Kronos Quartet弦乐四重奏来为活泼动感的嘻哈歌曲"One-Trick Pony"注入心荡神驰的感觉,或是用breakbeat节拍,还有美国班鸠琴大师Bela Fleck的乐声来为有点愤世嫉俗的歌曲"Powerless (Say What You Want)"添加情绪上的张力,甚至还取样了在电影“对她说”中献唱的巴西传奇歌手Caetano Veloso的歌曲"Tonada De Luna Llena"创作成"Island Of Wonder"这首酷歌。专辑中的"Forca"曾被选为2004年欧洲足球锦标赛的主题曲。 On her second album, Folklore, Nelly Furtado takes a hard left turn. The colourful but incomplete fusion of her debut, Whoa, Nelly!, gives way on this tellingly titled record to an approach that lets in some acoustic sounds which take the music in an entirely different, richer direction. At times sounding like a dead ringer for singer-writer Sam Phillips (whose work colours each episode of the American television series Gilmore Girls), Furtado aims for more rock-oriented ground without losing the Brazilian influences that are so much a part of her identity. Her voice and tunes are strong, and both words and music paint a picture of a young woman still very much in movement, change, flux. It's an intriguing sound, and one that thoughtful listeners will cherish.
