Favourite Demos

Favourite Demos

The release of RARE AND UNRELEASED and FAVOURITE DEMOS represents the fulfilment of a long-held wish for Maximilian Hecker. After constantly being confronted in the studio with the question of whether the brash lightness of a song's initial (home-)recording could also be achieved on a second, professional take, on his last album "I Am Nothing But Emotion, No Human Being, No Son, Never Again Son", Hecker decided for the first time in his career against making a professional studio recording of the new material. This led to the surprising result that in all the album's imperfection, it suddenly no longer appeared imperfect as a whole. This success, along with the fact that Hecker became his own boss with the founding of his own label Blue Soldier Records in February 2010, thus giving him total freedom, is the occasion for now presenting the self-recorded demo versions of 27 songs from his first five albums, as well as twelve non-album tracks that were recorded under the same circumstances, most of which have never before been released in Europe.


