◆全球影迷与乐迷引颈期盼她长大 「天生一对」「辣妈辣妹」「贱女孩」电影甜心首张专辑绽放小女人的性感 ◇首攻节奏布鲁斯/嘻哈节奏动感单曲"Rumors"大声喊出自我宣言 你一定记得电影‘天生一对’里那对可爱的双胞胎姊妹,古灵精怪的模样、说着英美两地完全不同的口音,简直就像真的双胞胎; ‘辣妈辣妹’和母亲灵魂互换、超龄搞笑演出的其实都是同一个才华洋溢的青春女星Lindsay Lohan。 一脸可爱的雀斑,Lindsay从三岁开始就开始她的演艺事业,接拍60多支广告及A&F/Calvin Klein童装代言商品、专业平面/舞台模特儿、从事戏剧之演出、最年轻的MTV电影奖主持人、7岁就上的节目、游泳/篮球/体操/跳舞样样行……相貌甜美出众的她,注定从小就是镁光灯下的追逐焦点! 因为参与电视剧‘Another World’的亮眼表现,让Lindsay开始接触大萤幕:最受瞩目的起头,莫过于展现高超演技之‘天生一对’,不仅观众被她搞的"雾煞煞",连扮演她父母的演员也分不清谁是谁! 接着表现抢眼的卖座喜剧大片‘辣妈辣妹’,不但有着超龄戏码的演出,更过足了当个摇滚客的愿望!最近的青春校园片‘青春舞会皇后’、‘贱女孩’,都展现Lindsay青春洋溢讨人欢心的模样! 曾经在电影插曲中献声的Lindsay,终于能如愿一圆歌唱梦想,‘我一直都很想作专辑,满18岁我就可以穿我想穿的、唱我想唱的’;曾一手捧红玛利亚凯莉、珍妮佛罗培兹的红牌经纪人Tommy Mottola对Lindsay信心满满:‘她拥有一切巨星应有的条件’! 处女大碟【Speak】,挟带Lindsay好莱坞的高人气,发行首周果然拿下全美流行专辑榜TOP 4! 专辑中大量加入摇滚音色,企图将电影‘辣妈辣妹’中爱玩摇滚乐的Lindsay,在舞台上真切的实现摇滚梦!带着舞动感十足之节奏布鲁斯/嘻哈节奏的首攻单曲"Rumors",大声喊出自我宣言,搭配MTV性感造型与舞蹈,在MTV网站上蝉连热门MV的TOP 10至今,让人眼睛确实为之一亮。 吉他狂噪飙入之开场曲"First",献出Lindsay颇具爆发力的嗓音;动听琴韵与吉他轻弹,交织牵引诱人舒缓的"Symptoms Of You"及"Something I Never Had",仍然展现出抒情摇滚的强劲声线;电子颗粒四处窜升的同名曲"Speak"、"Anything But Me",仍然游走在摇滚基调的架构中;相当顺耳且编曲丰富的"Very Last Moment In Time",是首瞄准流行榜的实力佳作!凭着自己优异的天赋,在音乐界蜕变出率性调调,Lindsay准备展现真实自我,她要有话直说! Lindsay Lohan leaps into her much anticipated debut CD with a blast of something that simulates warmed-over Led Zeppelin (the lyrically ferocious "First") and from there finesses it into a stylish experiment in pounding away at teen pop's predictability. Influences--not all of whom her 8-to-14-year-old fans will flip to, or even find, in their pinup mags--loom large: While the Ashlee Simpson-like rocker "Nobody 'Til You" winds into the Jessica Simpson-y "Symptoms of You," the lovelorn "Something I Never Had," taps a sweetly unself-conscious vocal vein that owes gratitude to the otherwise highly un-Lohan-like Lisa Loeb. Though Lohan might balk at the comparison--she is, after all, the "Ultimate"-spawning original teenage drama queen--fellow tween queen Hilary Duff's stamp is pressed firmly into stormy self-explorers like "Disconnected" and "Anything But Me." Where "Speak" intones loudest, though, is in its least-rocking, most beat-propelled songs: The title track dips and bounces tantalizingly, begging hands-in-the-air listeners to "c'mon and let it out"; "To Know Your Name" digitizes a sexy hip-hop inflected dance number; and "Rumors," a J. Lo-like thumper (and one in a trifecta of pouts over the pitfalls of stardom) ends this disc on a don't-stop, bound-for-diva-dom note.