Gone With the Wind (Original Soundtrack)

Gone With the Wind (Original Soundtrack)

动荡时代下的颠沛流离与爱恨离愁,细腻刻画悲欢岁月的不朽乐章。改编自玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)的畅销名著《飘》(Gone With The Wind), 好莱坞经典钜作《乱世佳人》以美国南北比战争时期的乱世时代为舞台,刻画了一段荡气回肠的爱情经典,其电影原声专辑无疑也是好莱坞配乐创作的巅峰。在那个电影配乐仅仅局限于主题曲、结尾曲与简短插曲的时代,出生于音乐世家的马克斯·斯坦纳(Max Steiner)却坚信音乐能与镜头道渲染情绪、突出角色乃至整个剧情,他的大胆想法让他获得了"电影音乐教父"的美誉。配乐共发展出11个主题,多达99段音乐,为配合故事所处的时空背景。其中不少音乐参考了"美国民谣之父"斯蒂芬·福斯特(Stephen Foster)采集的美国南方民谣。将近四个小时的电影里,马克斯·斯坦纳(Max Steiner)为每个场景与角色设计精致贴切的配乐,无论是描绘广袤壮阔的同名塔拉庄园农场的《Tara》,还是刻画男主角白瑞特内心爱恨交织的《Belle Watling》,通过这些配乐。我们能够更贴近每个角色与场景的内在世界,身历其境地体会大时代变动下的爱恨离愁。 In the '30s, audio technology was relatively primitive, even for movies. So for years the original Max Steiner score for Gone With the Wind presumably went the way implied by its title, that is until the '60s when Selznick studios executors discovered the lost masters. Now, for the first time, this two-disc digital restoration presents the original Steiner soundtrack in its entirety. Besides the well-remembered "Tara's Theme," these tracks reveal the composer's penchant for dramatic underscoring with lushly romantic melodies, including motifs from Stephen Foster and other Old South strains. For soundtrack aficionados, the music satisfies despite the relatively primitive recording quality of the time. Also included is a 52-page illustrated booklet covering the novel's origins, the film's production, and asides about the actors. --Joseph Lanza
