Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Amor vittorioso - The King's Singers
Lirum bililirum - The King's Singers
Il bianco e dolce cigno - The King's Singers
La Bella Franceschina - The King's Singers
Ultimi miei sospiri - The King's Singers
Alla cazza - The King's Singers
Or si rallegri il cielo - The King's Singers
Fine Knacks for Ladies - The King's Singers
Who Made Thee, Hob, Forsake the Plough? - The King's Singers
Of All the Birds - The King's Singers
Too Much I Once Lamented - The King's Singers
Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone - The King's Singers
The Silver Swan - The King's Singers
Now is the Month of Maying - The King's Singers
La Guerre - The King's Singers
La, la, la, je ne I'ose dire - The King's Singers
Bon jour et puis, quelles nouvelles - The King's Singers
Mignonne, allons voir si la rose - The King's Singers
Il est bel e bon - The King's Singers
Margot labourez les vignes - The King's Singers
Un gentil amoureux - The King's Singers
Faulte d'argent - The King's Singers
La tricotea Sanmartin la vea - The King's Singers
Triste estaba el rey David - The King's Singers
Cucú, cucú! - The King's Singers
Tres morillas m'enamoran - The King's Singers
Fatal la parte - The King's Singers
La Bomba - The King's Singers
Tanzen und Springen (Instrumental Version) - The King's Singers
Vitrum nostrum gloriosum - The King's Singers
Ach Elslein, liebes Elselein - The King's Singers
Ach, weh des Leiden - The King's Singers
Das Gläut zu Speyer - The King's Singers
Herzliebstes Bild - The King's Singers
Tanzen und Springen - The King's Singers
Das Gläut zu Speyer (Vocal Version) - The King's Singers
Hertslieb zu dir allein - The King's Singers
Ein guten Rat - The King's Singers
Ich klag den Tag - The King's Singers
Jungfrau dein schöne Gstalt - The King's Singers
Ich armes Käuzlein kleine - The King's Singers
Ach weh des Leiden - The King's Singers
Frau, ich bin euch von Herzen hold - The King's Singers
So trinken wir - The King's Singers
Ihr Brüder, lieben Brüder mein - The King's Singers
Dindirín, dindirín - The King's Singers
Fa tal le porte - The King's Singers
A los maitines era - The King's Singers
La bomba - The King's Singers
Ora, sus, pues que ansí es! - The King's Singers
Lágrimas de mi consuelo (1st & 2nd versions) - The King's Singers
Yo con vos señora - The King's Singers
Falai, meus olhos - The King's Singers
Ave color vini clari - The King's Singers
Domine Dominus Noster - The King's Singers
Adoramus te Christe - The King's Singers
In pace, in idipsum - The King's Singers
In hora ultima - The King's Singers
Ad te levavi oculos meos - The King's Singers
Te Deum laudamus - The King's Singers
Plainchant - Praeter rerum seriem - The King's Singers
Motet - Praeter rerum seriem - The King's Singers
Resonet in laudibus - The King's Singers
Pelli meae consumptis carnibus - The King's Singers
Christus resurgens ex mortuis - The King's Singers
Tibi laus, tibi gloria - The King's Singers
Magnificat - Praeter rerum seriem - The King's Singers
Bon jour et puis quelles nouvelles? - The King's Singers
Bon jour mon coeur - The King's Singers
Dessus le marché d'Arras - The King's Singers
Il était une religieuse - The King's Singers
Au feu, au feu, venez-moi secourir - The King's Singers
Paisible domaine - The King's Singers
O vin en vigne - The King's Singers
Vignon vignon vignette - The King's Singers
La nuit froide et sombre - The King's Singers
Quand mon mari vient - The King's Singers
Toutes les nuits - The King's Singers
Musica, dei donum optimi - The King's Singers
Matona mia cara - The King's Singers
Come la notte ogni fiamella - The King's Singers
Chi chilichi? - The King's Singers
Cantai hor piango - The King's Singers
Ardo sì, ma non t'amo - The King's Singers
Hört zu ein news gedicht - The King's Singers
Ein guten Rat will geben Ich - The King's Singers
Im Mayen - The King's Singers
Omnia tempus habent - The King's Singers
The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Part 1 - The King's Singers
The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Part 2 - The King's Singers
Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae, Book 1: No. 29 Gaudeamus omnes - The King's Singers
Cantiones Sacrae, Book 2: Nos. 20 & 21 Ne irascaris, Domine - The King's Singers
Cantiones Sacrae, Book 2: No. 31 Domine, salva nos - The King's Singers
Cantiones Sacrae, Book 2: No. 32 Haec Dies - The King's Singers
Manuscript Collection: No. 18 Vide, Domine - The King's Singers
Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae, Book 1, Part 2: No. 5 Ave Verum Corpus - The King's Singers
Festa, riso - The King's Singers
O dolce vita mia - The King's Singers
Tri ciechi siamo - The King's Singers
Pavana d'España - The King's Singers
Chi la gagliarda - The King's Singers
Gagliarda seconda - The King's Singers
L'amanza mia - The King's Singers
Parmi di star - The King's Singers
Corten espadas afiladas - The King's Singers
Ave virgo sponsa dei - The King's Singers
Colascione - The King's Singers
Catalina, Catalina! - The King's Singers
Ricercarda quarta - The King's Singers
O dolce vita - The King's Singers
Toccata e gagliarda - The King's Singers
Qual dolcezza giamai - The King's Singers
Fantasia No. 10 - The King's Singers
Non t'aricordi - The King's Singers
Chi passa per 'sta strada - The King's Singers
Vecchie letrose - The King's Singers
Balletts to Five Voyces, Book 1: No. 4 Sing We and Chaunt It - The King's Singers
Madrigals to Foure Voyces: No. 22 On a Fair Morning - The King's Singers
The Second Set of Madrigales: No. 20 Oft Have I Vowed - The King's Singers
Songs of Sundry Natures: No. 13 Is Love a Boy? - The King's Singers
The Third Booke of Songes: No. 7 Say, Love, if ever Thou didst find - The King's Singers
Ballets and Madrigals, Volume 1: No. 1 All At Once Well Met Fair Ladies - The King's Singers
Canzonets to Four Voices: No. 20 Construe My Meaning - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 15 Lord, When I Think - The King's Singers
Canzonets or Litle Short Aers to Five and Six Voices: No. 12 Cruel, Wilt Thou Persever - The King's Singers
The Second Book of Songes: No. 12 Fine Knacks for Ladies - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 18 Strike it up, Tabor - The King's Singers
Balletts to 5 Voyces, Book 1: No. 17 I Love, alas, I Love Thee - The King's Singers
The First Booke of Songes or Ayres : No. 12, Farewell, Dear Love - The King's Singers
Songs of 3, 4, 5 and 6 Parts: No. 4 See, See the Shepherds' Queen - The King's Singers
First Set of Madrigals: No. 12 Have I Found Her - The King's Singers
The First Set of English Madrigals: No. 15 Lady, Your Words Do Spite Me - The King's Singers
Songs and Psalms: No. 26 Were I a King - The King's Singers
The Firste Booke of Songes: No. 17 Come Again Sweet Love - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 7 Tan ta ra, Cries Mars - The King's Singers
The First Set of English Madrigalls to 4, 5 and 6 Voyces: No. 14 Why Should I Love? - The King's Singers
The First Sett of Italian Madrigalls Englished: No. 28 This Sweet and Merry Month of May - The King's Singers
Balletts to Five Voyces, Book 1: No. 3 Now is the Month of Maying - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 14 Four Arms, Two Necks - The King's Singers
Ballets and Madrigals, Volume 1: No. 8 Hark, all Ye Lovely Saints - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 20 Since Robin Hood - The King's Singers
Canzonets or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces: No. 23 Though Philomela Lost her Love - The King's Singers
The Second Set of Madrigales: No. 27 O Wretched Man - The King's Singers
Madrigalls to Fovre Voyces: No. 13 Weep, O Mine Eyes - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 25 The Nightingale - The King's Singers
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 6 Come Sirrah Jack, Ho - The King's Singers
The First Set of English Madrigals: No. 24 Cruel, Behold My Heavy Ending - The King's Singers
First set of Madrigals to 4 Voices: No. 14 Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone - The King's Singers
L'ultimo dì di maggio - The King's Singers
Un cavalier di Spagna - The King's Singers
Vezzosi augelli - The King's Singers
Valle, che de lamenti miei - The King's Singers
Mentre il cucolo - The King's Singers
Chi la gagliarda (Vocal Version) - The King's Singers
Chi chi li chi - The King's Singers
Festino nella sera del Giovedì Grasso avanti Cena, Op. 18: XII. Contrappunto bestiale alla Mente - The King's Singers
Mascherata de cacciatori - The King's Singers
Matona, mia cara, mi follere canzon - The King's Singers