

★ “全英音乐奖最佳团体”千禧钜献 ★ “…把人们绝望、结束的感觉全然描绘,深沉而有力的作品于此显现!”~美国娱乐周刊A-佳评 ★ “Maybe Someday”挺进现代摇滚榜第12名 全球超过2700万张销售、全球超过100场现场演唱,英国经典不朽的另类摇滚旅The Cure灵魂人物主唱兼吉他手Robert Smith再度贝斯手Simon Gallup、吉他手Roger O’Donnell、鼓手Jason Cooper于2000年推出最新力作【Bloodflowers】,带著一贯萦迴绕樑的哥德式摇滚飒然而至,华丽中带有深刻抑鬱氛围的音乐曲风,是怪人合唱团得已在瞬息万变的摇滚乐坛屹立20个年头的魅力所在! 曾为“X档案”、“南方公园(电影版)”演唱电影歌曲、曾受变色龙大卫鲍伊之邀在他50岁大寿的“纽约麦迪逊广场生日演唱会”上担任佳宾、在英美的多场演唱会由于过于精彩曾发行录影带饕飨众乐迷,The Cure激进得恰如其分的中版摇滚、电子音乐先锋之一和特出造型,著实令摇滚乐迷风迷不已。 自’76年军、团员经历几番代换,最终在千禧年春天发行的第13张完全录音专辑-【Bloodflower】。灵魂人物罗伯特表示:“..这是创团以来最具成熟色泽的创作!在’82年发行‘Pornograghy’时就有【Bloodflower】最初的创作想法,’89年‘Disintegration’专辑广受英美2地欢迎时,我们持续地为这张专辑有著不断的创作思维注入,而现在,它们就在这儿!”,团员们对音乐的敏感度是此辑最令人深刻感动的所在,贝斯/鼓/吉他音色和电音旋律所营造出的阴霾沉鬱,已为主唱铺陈出一股漫天绝望的感染力…,继’92年“High”、“Friday I’m In Love”2曲分别闯下Billboard现代摇滚榜4週冠军、’93年的“Purple Haze”稳坐现代摇滚榜双週冠军后,新辑中的“Maybe Someday”迅速挺进现代摇滚榜第12名,后劲看好中! The Cure edged into new territory with Wild Mood Swings, but nevertheless drew scorn from certain quarters because it eschewed goth rock for pop, both pure and twisted. For 2000's Bloodflowers, Robert Smith decided to give the people what they wanted: a classic Cure album, billed as the third part of a trilogy begun with Pornography and continued with Disintegration. That turns out to be more or less true, since Bloodflowers boasts all of the Cure's signatures: stately tempos, languid melodies, spacious arrangements, cavernous echoes, morose lyrics, keening vocals, long running times. If that's all you're looking for, Bloodflowers delivers in spades. If you want something transcendent, you're out of luck, since the album falls short of the mark, largely because it sounds too self-conscious. As one song segues into the next, it feels like Smith is striving to make a classic Cure record, putting all the sounds in place before he constructs the actual songs. That makes for a good listening experience, especially for fans of Disintegration, but it never catches hold the way that record did, for two simple reasons: there isn't enough variation between the songs for them to distinguish themselves, nor are there are enough sonic details to give individual tracks character. While Disintegration had goth monoliths, it also had pristine pop gems and elegant neo-psychedelia; with a couple of exceptions, the songs on Bloodflowers all feel like cousins of "Pictures of You." The album is certainly well made, and even enjoyable; however, its achievement is a bit hollow, since it never seems like Smith is pushing himself or the band. Nobody else can come close to capturing the Cure's graceful gloom, but it's hard to shake the suspicion that Bloodflowers could have been something grand if he had shaken up the formula slightly.
