

 当代地位最高的爵士歌姬 2008年全新专辑 阔别两年,当代地位最高的爵士歌姬卡珊卓.威尔森终于再度开金嗓演唱。刚在今年王家卫电影“我的蓝莓夜”中惊鸿一瞥,以一首“Harvest Moon”让歌迷望梅止渴,她在这张新专辑中,以一连串经典老歌,让我们徜徉在她对歌艺、情感和歌词完美拿捏的声音世界中。为了这张专辑,她邀来了多才多艺的爵士钢琴手Jason Moran、吉他手Marvin Sewell和贝斯手Lonnie Plaxico共同合作,并由她亲自担任制作。 在她的巧妙的诠释下,这些久未听到却耳熟能详的老歌,全都换上崭新的面貌,让人听得大呼过瘾。自从20年前Blue Skies专辑之后,威尔森就一直未在探索美国百老汇老歌这个项目的经典歌曲,光是这点就让这张专辑特别让人好奇。而威尔森对这些歌曲的处理,儘管她出色的即兴风格总是能赋予歌曲新意,但她却还能兼顾到这些老歌隽永的旋律和脍炙人口的典雅感,而始终能不减损歌曲的这些部份。像“黑人奥菲欧”,她就可以用几乎不变的旋律,却用歌声中的感情来赋予歌曲新意。这样的作法,让这张专辑既打破了长久以来爵士歌坛演唱老歌的一些弊病,也创造了一种没有人能模仿,威尔森式的独特老歌新唱法,让整张专辑非常值得珍藏。 Once again she has gathered a band of shining talent, featuring the brilliant Jason Moran on Piano with guitarist Marvin Sewell and Lonnie Plaxico on bass - a band that is so good together that Cassandra was happy to sit in the producer's chair and let the songs speak for themselves. Featuring incredible interpretations of the classics like Black Orpheus, Caravan, and The Very Thought of You, Cassandra is one of the few singers that can genuinely re-invent a song that we all think we know, such as Wouldn't It Be Loverly and turn it breathe new emotional life into it. However, the standout track has to be the stunning funky, soulful, brooding St. James Infirmary which has become a staple of her live set
