

相隔三年,「北欧民谣精灵」安涅欧贝将在今年九月带来全新创作专辑《Aventine》,值此让全球乐迷屏息以待。最新专辑《Aventine》于今年上半年录制完成,与首张专辑一样,一人包办所有的创作、制作、编曲、演唱与钢琴演奏。此外,更邀集知名大提琴家 Anne Muller、加拿大民谣乐团 Timbre Timbre 成员 Mike Posen 参与录音。 出生于丹麦哥本哈根,现居德国柏林的安涅欧贝,出道至今以疗癒人心的温柔嗓音和充满自然气息的宁静钢琴编曲深受乐迷喜爱。她的音乐编制极简,却能呈现出深刻丰富的张力与色彩。 2010年以首张专辑《Philharmonics》轻送夺下丹麦音乐奖五项大奖,创下全欧洲卖破45万张惊人纪录,Youtube 点阅近千万人次的成名曲〈Riverside〉更被用于电影「伤心潜水艇」的主题曲。 Agnes Obels new album Aventine is released 30.09.13. ‘Aventine’ is the follow up to her critically acclaimed debut album ‘Philharmonics’ (2010), which has sold 450,000 copies across Europe. We have a little teaser video for you above... “‘Aventine’ is the eagerly anticipated new album from Agnes Obel, released 30th September on Play It Again Sam. ‘Aventine’ is the follow up to her critically acclaimed debut album ‘Philharmonics’ (2010), which has sold 450,000 copies across Europe, achieving Platinum status in France and Belgium, five times Platinum in her native Denmark, where Agnes picked up five Danish Music Awards (the Danish Brits) in 2011. Originally from Copenhagen, Agnes has lived in Berlin since 2006, where ‘Aventine’ was recorded at her Chalk Wood Studios between January and May this year. Like ‘Philharmonics’, the new album was written, arranged, and produced by Agnes, who provides piano and vocals. Anne M_ller, who has also played with Nils Frahm, adds cello, with Mika Posen of Timber Timbre playing the violin and viola on ‘The Curse’, ‘Pass Them By’ and ‘Fivefold’. Robert Kondorossi of Budzillus plays guitar on ‘Pass Them By’. “While touring ‘Philharmonics’ I kept on getting all these ideas for recording, and I wanted to explore the cello and other string instruments” says Agnes of ‘Aventine’. “I recorded everything quite closely, miking everything closely in a small room, with voices here, the piano here – everything is close to you. So it’s sparse, but by varying the dynamic range of the songs I could create almost soundscapes. I was able to make something feel big with just these few instruments.” Agnes Obel will play a few intimate shows before the album release, prior to a full European tour in the autumn. Details to follow soon.”
