Epic Cinematic Music
Aeon - Michael Werner Maas
Age of Calamity - Philippe Falcao
Alien Intruders - Ingo Herrmann
Force from Above - Eric Pawls
Flight into Space - die klangtaucher
Fight for Your Future - Richard Lauw
Fierce Fury - Michael Werner Maas
Falling Meteorites - Friedrich Gattermann
Fake Data - Philippe Falcao
Extraterrestrial - Frank Schlimbach
Exodus - Ingo Herrmann
Altered Planet - Rene Petershagen
Alien Space War - Florian Thaller
Distant Worlds - Michael Maas
Forced to Trust - Ingo Hassenstein
Forced Wait - Philippe Falcao
Forgotten Future - Peter Jeremias
Forgotten Planet - Friedrich Gattermann
Galactic Cowboys - Andreas Roehrig
Galaxy Warriors - Andreas Roehrig
Giant Mothership - Florian Thaller
Heart of the Galaxy - Dmitry Sapelnik
Imagination Materialized - Richard Lauw
Interdimensional - Frank Schlimbach
Intergalactic Super Speed - Dill Bobsen
Interspace Drone - Ralf Gottlieb
Knight of Faith - Andreas Roehrig
Mars Attack Two - Dmitry Sapelnik
Massive Future - Tom Lang
Masterful Humans - Davide Berardi
No More Barriers - Davide Berardi
No Time and Noise - Sascha Blank
Not Yet - Friedrich Gattermann
Out of Space - Andreas Seibold
Path - Bina & Ju
Planet B - Manuel Bitsch
Quantum Jump - Richard Lauw
Scifinizer - Sascha Blank
Space Action - Joao Luiz De Avellar
Space Armada - Dmitry Sapelnik
Space Invasion - Florian Jahnel
Spiders from Mars - Andreas Seibold
Star Commander - Andreas Roehrig
Starbirth - Dmitry Sapelnik
Starship - Dmitry Sapelnik
Strong Age - Bina & Ju
They Will Come - Philippe Falcao
Trojan - Friedrich Gattermann
Trons Build - Sascha Blank
Ursa Major - Henning Pohlmann
Velocity Rush - Timo Jaeger
Walk on the Strange Planet - Dmitry Sapelnik
Wild Ocean Planet - Richard Lauw
Wormhole Journey - Dmitry Sapelnik
Age of Calamity (No Choir) - Philippe Falcao
Bounty Hunters Aim (No Perc) - Jure Jerebic
Hyperion - Fabian Zimmermann
Into the Void - Fabian Zimmermann
Into the Void (No Choir) - Fabian Zimmermann
Portal Activity - Fabian Zimmermann
Portal Activity (No Choir) - Fabian Zimmermann
Purpose - Fabian Zimmermann
Starchaser - Fabian Zimmermann
War for the Sun - Fabian Zimmermann
War for the Sun (No Choir) - Fabian Zimmermann
Brain Control (Reduced) - Rene Petershagen
Adrenaline Spike (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Adventure Now (No Choir) - Peter Jeremias
After the Big Rise (No Drums) - Coon / Goebel
Amazement Emotions (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Among All (No Choir) - Coon / Goebel
Among All (No Guitar) - Coon / Goebel
Announcing Something Big (No Choir) - Big Butcher
Arrival of the King (No Drums) - Graham Richards
Bad Boy Trailer (No Drums) - Dunn Ho Landrock
Battle Tendency (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Beside Osiris (No Vocals) - Ralf Gottlieb
Best Urbanic Cinematic (Less Drums) - Tom Bruessel
Best Urbanic Cinematic (No Drums) - Tom Bruessel
Big Ship Trailer (No Drums) - Tom Bruessel
Blockbuster Mission (No Choir) - Big Butcher
Blockbuster Mission (Underscore No Choir) - Big Butcher
Blockbuster Mission (Underscore) - Big Butcher
Blue Forest (No Choir) - Manuel Bitsch
Case (No Drums) - Lukaz Lezar
Circles of Emotion (No Drums) - Johannes Huppertz
Comic Heroes (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Conspiracy Alert (No Drums) - Peter Jeremias
Crossing the Line (No Drums) - Peter Jeremias
Crying Skies (Underscore) - Andreas Roehrig
Dark Intents (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Dark Planet (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Emotional Moments (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Epic Adventure (Underscore) - Tom Bruessel
Epic Fight (No Choir) - Sascha Blank
Epic Fight (Only Choir) - Sascha Blank
Epic Victory (No Choir) - Sascha Blank
Epica (No Vocals) - Ingo Herrmann
Erival (No Drums) - Coon / Goebel