At Play

At Play

Melleefresh vs deadmau5 的《At Play》是一个令人惊叹的新最热门歌曲合集,包含经典的红极一时的热门歌曲和电子大房间的热门歌曲,让俱乐部世界大吃一惊。从 2006 年开始,Beatport 被 Melleefresh / Deadmau5 二人组(又名 Freshmau5)的第一首热门歌曲所淹没。朱诺提名的“Afterhours”在2007年连续几周排名#1。“Hey Baby”是 Beatport 从 2006 年到 2009 年的历史经典排行榜上的 #1。“Attention Whore”在 2009 年达到 #1,而“S*x Slave”的重新发行在 2010 年再次登上排行榜。他们辉煌而永恒的作品将作为有史以来最成功的电子音乐合作伙伴关系之一载入舞曲史册。 Melleefresh vs deadmau5 Art Play is an amazing new greatest hits collection of classic smash dance hits and electro big-room bangers that turned the club world on its arse. Starting in 2006 Beatport was inundated with number one hits from the Melleefresh / Deadmau5 duo (aka Freshmau5). Juno-nominated "Afterhours" was #1 for several weeks in 2007. "Hey Baby" was #1 on Beatport's all-time classic chart from 2006 to 2009. "Attention Whore" hit #1 in 2009 and a re-release of "S*x Slave" ran up the charts once again in 2010. Their brilliant and timeless work will go down in dance music history as one of the most successful electro house partnerships of all-time.
