Augmented 002 / Rauschhaus

Augmented 002 / Rauschhaus

A continuing "Augmented" reality reveals a different perception of Mango Alley. Breaking boundaries, established and contemporary talent converges in a single vision across the digital spectrum. A cornucopia of new music, unreleased jewels and undiscovered gems glisten under the auspices of renowned artistic talent; mixed and unmixed versions deliver a unique listening experience. Ice cool winds course over the Baltic coastline to reveal German musical talent. Full of composure and redolent in dark energy, Rauschhaus narrates a new sonic voyage of discovery and enduring vibrancy. Frozen in time, a musical chrononaut takes a sonic snapshot that glistens with pristine clarity; a supernova explodes into an infinite space filled with rich harmonics that envelope and energise. A world of frequency vibrations builds in increasing intensity to reveal a tidal wave of talent. A vivid sonic canvas stretches out over the musical landscape in immaculate creativity.
