动乱星 Stars of Turmoil

动乱星 Stars of Turmoil

在GG Lobster的《朋克卡拉OK》发布时的一篇帖子里,GG这么为它作总结:“一切都归于浪漫,如果无法浪漫,那我就不再做音乐了。” 纵览整张《动乱星EP》,Gabber / Hardcore音乐的影响是抹不掉的,但这已经是GG竭力把这种影响压制到最小的结果。派对上追求的感官刺激,并没有被他全部带进作品里。《动乱星EP》所关心的,是现在正在发生的事,而不是那些赛博朋克的构思、星辰大海的幻想,也不是过去的事情。 每首歌都有着明确的表达目标:《荣耀Glory》以高昂的旋律诉说着龙虾对某些人和事物的热爱,不仅仅是爱他正在付诸实践的野心,也爱着那些和他一样努力但还尚未一鸣惊人的人们。《犬子来拜Adoration of Sons》用不安分的声音表达了他对周遭现状的不满以及对某些无赖的单方面挑衅;《动乱星Stars of Turmoil》中大量使用中国传统舞狮的节奏型,情感基础建立在他对FunctionLab团队以及整个杭州场景的鼓励;《香港Sweet Harbour》则重在描绘对人与人之间关照的期待,以刻画细腻的旋律作为主导。 “我的脾气依然很大,只是现在觉得用音乐来干仗是一种更有效且更具智慧的方式。”GG把这张EP视作自我定位的成功拯救,和一种更安全的情绪释放。如果要对他的音乐生涯做一个区分,也许风格和技术并不是最重要的界限,心态的转变才是真正的分水岭。虽然在音乐上,他已经与之和解,但在生命中,那种桀骜不驯的态度已经无以改变。不吼歌词只是一种部分的让步,音乐仍然承载着他那些尖锐的见解,那些让人内心火热的见解。 “我内心的攻击性、以及我和FunctionLab厂牌的野心,让那些招摇撞骗的混蛋们听到,也让那些正在因为一些小成就而沾沾自喜、目中无人的人听到,我想一定有一天会见分晓的。”除此之外,更多的是不羁和坦然的爱。这是GG Lobster的宿命,也是他的盖棺定论。那些毫不在乎的放肆歌词如今内化在他心里,带领他,指引他。 “希望大家听完能抱抱身边的同伴,尤其是那些和你一起做飞蛾扑火之事却依然陪着你的人。”这就是关于《动乱星EP》,GG给出的最真诚、最有意义的建议。 In a post when "Punk Karaoke" was released, GG summarized it like this: "Everything I do comes from romance, if I can't be romantic, then I won't make music anymore." Throughout the entire "动乱星Stars of Turmoil EP", the Gabber / Hardcore influence cannot be erased, but this is already the result of GG's efforts to suppress this influence to the minimum. The sensory stimuli pursued at the DJ set were not all brought into his personal release. "动乱星Stars of Turmoil EP" is concerned with what is happening now, not the cyberpunk ideas, the fantasy of the stars and the sea, nor is it a thing of the past. Each track has a clear expression goal: "荣耀Glory" uses a lofty melody to tells about GG's love for certain people and things, not only for the ambition he is putting into practice, but also for those who work as hard as he but People who have not yet made a name for themselves; "犬子来拜Adoration of Sons" expresses his dissatisfaction with the current situation around him and unilateral provocations against some rogues in a restless voice; "动乱星Stars of Turmoil" uses a lot of rhythmic patterns of traditional Chinese lion dance, and his emotional foundation is built on Encourage the FunctionLab team and the entire Hangzhou music scene; "香港Sweet Harbour" focuses on the expectation of love between person to person, with the characterization of delicate melody as the lead. "My temper is still very strong, but now I feel that fighting with music is a more effective and smarter way." GG sees this EP as a successful self-positioning rescue and a safer emotional release. If you want to make a distinction between his musical career, maybe style and technology are not the most important boundaries, and the change of mindset is the real watershed. Although in music, he has reconciled with it, but in his life, the rebellious attitude could not be changed. Don't roar lyrics is only a partial concession, and the music still carries his sharp opinions, those passionate opinions. "Let those assholes hear the aggressiveness in my heart and the ambition of FunctionLab and I, and let those who are smug and arrogant about their small achievements hear, there must be a winner or loser one day. "In addition, more is unruly and open love. This is the fate of GG Lobster, and it's what he is. Those extravagant lyrics that don't care are now internalized in his heart, leading him and guiding him. "I hope you can hug your companions after listening, especially those who are still with you while doing things like moth fluttering fire with you." This is the most sincere, the most meaningful suggestions from GG Lobster about this EP.
